
Award for Excellence in Facilities Management

APPAIn June 1999, East Carolina University Facilities Services was recognized with the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers’ (APPA) highest institutional honor: The Award for Excellence in Facilities Management. Facilities Services received the overall award in all eight categories of excellence.

Mission Statement

The mission of Facilities Services is to maintain an aesthetically pleasing campus environment that is conducive to teaching, learning, and research. Facilities Services is responsible for the facilities support of all University real property including repair planning, minor renovation and construction, utilities, maintenance, grounds, and housekeeping. Facilities Services is part of Administration and Finance and falls under the responsibility of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Operations who reports to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.

How to Contact Facilities Services

Main Campus
Facilities Service Center
945 East 14th Street, Eppes 3
Greenville, NC 27858
252-328-6877 fax

Health Sciences Campus
Facilities Services Administrative Office
Steam Plant, Health Sciences Campus
Greenville, NC 27858
252-744-3218 fax

Work Requests

Requests for service from Facilities Services should be made via the on-line work order request system or by contacting the Facilities Service Center by telephone 328-6776 or fax 328-6877.

Any society can be galvanized for a while to build something, but the will and the skill to keep things in good repair day in and day out, are fairly rare.
- Eric Hoffer, Working and Thinking on the Waterfront