Treasured Pirate Award Program

In 2019, the Treasured Pirate program was revised to annually recognize the hard work of exemplary employees and to distinguish their unique contributions to their college/unit and University.

This program allows any employee at East Carolina University the opportunity to nominate a permanent employee who works at least 20 hours a week or more for a Treasured Pirate Award. Employees should be nominated for accomplishments that exceed expectations of an employee’s job duties or even extend beyond their normal scope of duties.

The Treasured Pirate Award program is coordinated by the Learning & Organizational Development Unit of Human Resources.

The following Campus Operations employees have been recognized with the Treasured Pirate Award.

Employee's NameDepartmentYear
Michael A. CreiderBuilding Services-Mason and Paint Shop2024
Jose P. FloresGrounds Services2024
Chad G. Carwein University Sustainability Manager2023
Terry L. LittleGrounds Services-Moving Services, Recycling, Refuse Removal 2022
Vicky D. GrimesHousekeeping Services2020
Kenneth J. Sanders "Mr. Kenny"Housekeeping Services2019

The Treasured Pirate Award program from 2018-2005 was coordinated by the Staff Development Unit of the Department of Human Resources and supported the generous sponsorship of TIAA-CREF.

The following Campus Operations employees were recognized as Treasured Pirates from 2018-2005.

Employee's NameDepartmentAward Program
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2018. Campus Operations' Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and Housekeepers Awards for Excellence Programs were not conducted. Therefore, no recipients were recognized with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2017. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the following semiannual Award programs with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Jamonte BradleyHousekeeping Services - Academics2017 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Phyllis HartHousekeeping Services - Academics2017 Housekeepers Award for Excellence 
Amanda AndersonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls 2017 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ronnie BryantHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus / School of Medicine2017 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Stephen CrandallHousekeeping Services - Academics2017 Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Rita RogersGrounds Services2017 Campus Operations Award for Excellence
John BarwickGrounds Services2017 Facilities Services Supervisor Award for Excellence
Tom BrandonGrounds Services2017 Facilities Services Supervisor Award for Excellence
Mike CoxGrounds Services2017 Facilities Services Supervisor Award for Excellence 
Ray SchmitUtilities Services-Controls2017 Facilities Services Supervisor Award for Excellence
Mike ParkerGrounds Services-Recycling2017 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Mike WilliamsGrounds Services2017 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Jesse FieldsUtilities Services-Plumbing2017 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Jack CannonHealth Sciences Campus-Electrical2017 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2016. Campus Operations' Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and Housekeepers Awards for Excellence Programs were not conducted. Therefore, no recipients were recognized with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2015. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semiannual (formerly quarterly) Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Jeremy RogersBuilding Services-Automotive Services2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Stanley ValentineGrounds Services2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence 
Matt VayoGrounds Services2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence 
Jimmy BakerGrounds Services - HSC2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Kenny FrableUtilities Services-Plumbing2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Thomas SantanaUtilities Services-Steam2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence 
Karl GatlinHousekeeping Services - Academics2015 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tim WynneHousekeeping Services - Academics2015 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Teresa GrimesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2015 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Earl PhillipsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus/School of Medicine2015 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
David BrooksBuilding Services-Automotive Services2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Shannon ElksUtilities Services-Plumbing2015 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2014. With additional funding, Campus Operations recognized Facilities Services staff and supervisors, Housekeeping Services staff and supervisors, and other Campus Operations staff and supervisors who worked 6 or more hours Wednesday 01/29/14 and Thursday 01/30/14 when the University was closed due to inclement weather conditions with a Treasured Pirates Award. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semiannual (formerly quarterly) Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Phyllis HartHousekeeping Services - Academics2014 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ruby StreeterHousekeeping Services - Academics2014 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Brenda HopkinsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2014 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ann BattleHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus/School of Medicine2014 Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Danny BraxtonGrounds Services - Recycling Services2014 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Mike CoxHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds Services2014 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Derrick AndersonUtilities Services - Plumbing2014 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Don WoodUtilities Services - HVAC2014 Facilities Services Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2013. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations was also able to recognize the recipients of the 2013 semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the 2013 semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the 2013 semi-annual Campus Operations Award for Excellence program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining awards were not used.
Kevin BarnesGrounds Services2013 Campus Operations Award for Excellence
Kendra DavisMaintenance Engineering2013 Campus Operations Award for Excellence
Sandra ClarkHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Linda ForbesHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Veronica Ceja RosalesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jessica RodriguezHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Valeria LittleHousekeeping Services - Academics2013 Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Jake IsenhourGrounds Services2013 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
Chris PhelpsUtilities Services - HVAC2013 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
Scott GreenHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2013 Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Ray SchmitUtilities Services - HVAC2013 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
Fernando DiazGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Donnie FinchHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Christine WrightHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Alton GriggsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Laymond DanielsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Bradley LaneGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Joel CriscoUtilities Services - Steam3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Brock JonesHealth Sciences Campus - Plumbing3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Horace AndrewsHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Dwight CannonHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Amanda AndersonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Shirley NicholsonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jeremy RogersBuilding Services - Automotive2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Tony BattleHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Wanda DawsonHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Eva GrimesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jerry BurrusHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Joe GarfiGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Andre CarmonUtilities Services - Steam1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2012. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations was also able to recognize the recipients of the 2012 semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the 2012 semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the 2012 semi-annual Campus Operations Award for Excellence program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining two awards were not used.
Mitchell LaneHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Dennis PatrickHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Verna TaftHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Herman JenkinsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sandra MayHousekeeping Services - Academics2012 Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Melvin TysonGrounds Services - Moving Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Rebecca BizzellCampus Operations2012 Campus Operations Award for Excellence
Doris RhemHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls2012 Campus Operations Award for Excellence
Tommy WalstonGrounds Services2012 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
James LewisHealth Sciences Campus - Building Trades2012 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
James SuttonGrounds Services - Moving Services2012 Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence
Allen AcklinHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2012 Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Nora BrownHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Donald NorthernHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ivan WardHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Steve CrandallHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Reg AnauoGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Joe HoltonUtilities Services - Plumbing3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Marion Elaine HymanHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jessica Roundtree-PriceHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Clinton SmithHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Deborah SuggsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Stan WojcikBuilding Services - Automotive2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Dale ParkerUtilities Services - Steam2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mary CherryHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Linda TysonHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Doris StancilHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Evelena PattersonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Danny BraxtonGrounds Services - Recycling Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Billy SuggsUtilities Services - HVAC1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 32 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2011. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations was also able to recognize the recipients of the 2011 semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the 2011 semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the 2011 semi-annual Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining award was made available to be used by the A&F Division.
James ParmeleeHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Phyllis HartHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Veronica RosalesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Angela EdwardsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
James WilloughbyHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Robert StillFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Phyllis WestHousekeeping Services administrationCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Chad FaulknerUtilities Services administrationCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Ron NewtonGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Richard GarrisUtilities Services - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Nick RamkissoonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRCHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Mike CampbellGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Chris PhelpsUtilities Services - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Mike WilliamsGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
James BryantHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Glenn RobinsonHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Delton HowardHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Shelton PaigeHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Mike ParkerGrounds Services - Recycling Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Nancy BrownHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ruby StreeterHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Mary MayHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jennifer ThompsonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Kevin SuggGrounds Services - Moving Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mike HoseyUtilities Services - HVAC2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Arthur BernardHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Elizabeth TaftHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Amanda AndersonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tim PerkinsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Keith RushGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Thomas SantanaUtilities Services - Steam1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 46 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2010. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the semi-annual Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining 7 awards were not used.
Jeremy RogersBuilding Services - Automotive Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Glen WynnGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Joel CriscoUtilities Services - Steam4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Jacob YowHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Suzy GoodsonGrounds ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Betty JenkinsHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Brian PriceHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Cassandra AndersonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Barbara Taft-DixonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Johnnie TurnerGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Phillip WingateBuilding Services - LockshopFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Ray SchmitUtilities Services - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Jackie PetwayHousekeeping Services - Residence HallsHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Gina ShoemakerFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Gloria DanielHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Douglas GriggsHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
David BarnesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Herman JenkinsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
James BoydBuilding Services - Masonry3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Ty MooreGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Randy MartinUtilities Services - Steam3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Eric NorrisUtilities Services - Electrical3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Shannon DanielsHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Mitchell LaneHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Verna TaftHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Robert GodleyHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Roy PetersonGrounds Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Patrick SherrodUtilities Services - Plumbing2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Jackie SmithHousekeeping Services - Residence HallsHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Terry LittleGrounds Services - RecyclingFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Royce ThigpenUtilities Services - SteamFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Gray HamillHealth Sciences Campus - ControlsFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
William EbronHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Helen WardHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Earl AndrewsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ann BattleHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ed HouseGrounds Services - Recycling1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Sam EdwardsUtilities Services - Steam1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Larry RemickHealth Sciences Campus - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 46 Treasured Pirate awards for distribution in 2009. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the semi-annual Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining 7 awards were given as door prizes at the annual A&F Holiday Breakfast.
Gloria DanielHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Doris HeathHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sherrybelle JacksonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Almeco ThompsonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Valeria LittleHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Stan WojcikBuilding Services - Automotive4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
George ValentineGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Ruthie FairbanksUtilities Services administration4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Brian RountreeHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kathy OldhamFacilities Services administrationCampus Operations Award for Excellence
David WilliamsFacilities Service CenterCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Mary CherryHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Stanley SmallwoodHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Donald AdamsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Betty LittleHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jake IsenhourGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
David SkinnerHealth Sciences Campus - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Patricia HarringtonHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sherry LandryHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Edna BunnHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Steve CrandallHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Richard HighsmithHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisor Award for Excellence
Tom SumerlinBuilding Services - Automotive3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Atlas AdamsGrounds Services - Refuse Removal3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
John FlenHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Reg AnauoGrounds Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Charles LittletonUtilities Services - Life Safety2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Steve LassiterHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Nick McKinleyFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Chris StallingsBuilding Services - AutomotiveFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
James SuttonGrounds Services - Moving ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Don HoggardUtilities Services - Life SafetyFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Tony BattleHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jessica Roundtree-PriceHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Annie BynumHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls/SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Teresa BestHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Robert ThompsonGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Derrick AndersonUtilities Services - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Robert FrizzellHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 46 Treasured Pirate awards in 2008. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award. The remaining 9 awards were given as door prizes at the annual A&F Holiday Breakfast.
Kellie AcklinHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Emikyo WashingtonHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Veronica RosalesHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Johnny BarnhillHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
William YarrellHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Kevin SuggGrounds Services - Moving Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
David ModlinHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Debra JenkinsHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Doris WhichardHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Regina GreeneHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Bobby KnoxHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ron MichalowiczFacilities Services Maintenance EngineeringCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Jonathan WallaceFacilities Service CenterCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Tommy WalstonGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Richard GarrisUtilities Services - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Darrell RoebuckBuilding Services - Carpentry3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Danny BraxtonGrounds Services - Recycling3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Artis MooreUtilities Services - Steam3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mike CoxHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Debra EbronHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tony FloydHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Donnie SpellHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Renae LucasHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tim BelowFacilities Technology Support ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Felisha HinesHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Willie WarrenGrounds Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Doug BullockUtilities Services - Electrical2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Robert MasonHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mike CampbellGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Ron NewtonGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Carlton EdwardsHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
John HinesHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Annie BynumHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Brenda LeeHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Josh BoylesGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Stephen CarpenterUtilities Services - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Sammy SneadHealth Sciences Campus - Controls1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 44 Treasured Pirate awards in 2007. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and the recipients of the Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Scott GreenHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences CampusHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Teresa GrimesHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Helen WardHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Linwood MoyeHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Al FloodHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ed TraynorBuilding Services & Service Center - MasonryFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Johnnie TurnerGround ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Jake IsenhourGrounds ServicesFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Ray SchmitUtilities Services - HVACFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Ray BaldreeHealth Sciences Campus - PlumbingFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
Rebecca BizzellCampus OperationsCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Doug GriffinBuilding Services & Service Center - Automotive Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kenny BrooksGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Stery MooreUtilities Services - Plumbing4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
K.A. FlakeHealth Sciences Campus - Plumbing4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Thad BarnesHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sandra "Jo-Jo" ClarkHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Della RoachHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Bettye LittleHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Susan DemelisFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Chad FaulknerUtilities Services - AdministrationFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
David BrooksBuilding Services & Service Center - Automotive Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Elaine MontalbanGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
David SteeleUtilities Services - Plumbing3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Terry FrizzellHealth Sciences Campus - Administration3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Douglas GriggsHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Patricia ReeseHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Earl AndrewsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Dwight CannonHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Valeria BradleyHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Gabriella CheatwoodCampus OperationsCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Thomas SumerlinBuilding Services & Service Center - Automotive Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Stanley ValentineGrounds Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Jimmy RogersUtilities Services - HVAC2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
John WatersHealth Sciences Campus - Controls2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Elizabeth MillsBuilding Services & Service Center - Facilities Service CenterFS Supervisor Award for Excellence
William EbronHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sherry LandryHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ivan WardHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Angela EdwardsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tim BelowBuilding Services & Service Center - Information Technology1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
William WinslowGrounds Services - Recycling1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kelvin HardisonUtilities Services - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Johnnie RobersonHealth Sciences Campus - Steam Plant1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 39 Treasured Pirate awards in 2006. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized three randomly selected recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the two recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and two randomly selected recipients of the Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Curtis BattleHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ann TaftHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tim HartleyHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Deborah WorsleyHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Linda PhillipsHousekeeping Services - Residence HallsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Terry LittleGrounds Services - Moving Services/RecyclingFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
James HardinBuilding Services & Service Center - Lock Shop4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Devin LiviGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Neal ThorneUtilities Services - Steam Plant4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Randolph EvansHealth Sciences Campus - Building Trades4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Randy BoydBuilding Services & Service Center - PaintFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
Donna Lewis-MayoFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Horace AndrewsHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Nora BrownHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Carrie LeavyHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Brenda JenkinsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Georgann CowardBuilding Services & Service Center - Service Center Desk3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Howard BrightGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Joel CriscoUtilities Services - Steam Plant3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Greg CowardHealth Sciences Campus - Grounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Valeria BradleyHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Minnie CogdellHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Tony HiggsHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Earl AndrewsHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Julia HowardHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Lee EdwardsBuilding Services & Service Center - Automotive Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kevin SuggGrounds Services - Moving Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Patrick SherrodUtilities Services - Plumbing2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mike NorrisHealth Sciences Campus - Building Trades2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Beth ClemFacilities Engineering & Architectural ServicesCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Phillip WingateBuilding Services & Service Center - LocksmithFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
Tony BattleHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ronnie CrandellHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Doris HeathHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Denise ShieldsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Mike CoxGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Willie WarrenGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Derrick AndersonUtilities Services - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mike HoseyUtilities Services - HVAC1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Campus Operations was allotted 39 Treasured Pirate awards in 2005. Campus Operations recognized the recipients of the quarterly Facilities Services Awards for Excellence and quarterly Housekeepers Awards for Excellence with a Treasured Pirate Award. Campus Operations recognized three randomly selected recipients of the semi-annual Facilities Services Supervisors Award for Excellence, the two recipients of the semi-annual Housekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence, and three randomly selected recipients of the Campus Operations Award for Excellence Program with a Treasured Pirate Award.
Richard HighsmithHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Linda NoblesHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Beverly TysonHousekeeping Services - Academics4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Linda LeavyHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Jesse SneedHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus4th Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
John WilliamsEnvironmental Health & SafetyCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Ed TraynorBuilding Services & Service Center - MasonryFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
Jay WainwrightBuilding Services & Service Center - Carpentry4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Elaine MontalbanGrounds Services4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kelton MooreUtilities Services - Steam Plant4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Randy J. JonesHealth Sciences Campus - Locksmith4th Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Ron NewtonGrounds ServicesFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
Christa RadfordEnvironmental Health & SafetyCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Lyman HarrisHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Bruce WilliamsHousekeeping Services - Academics3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Sherrybelle JacksonHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Rosa DanielsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus3rd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Elizabeth MillsBuilding Services & Service Center - Service Center Desk3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Atlas AdamsGrounds Services3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Dale ParkerUtilities Services - Steam Plant3rd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Mary LewisHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Albert StatonHousekeeping Services - Academics2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Felicia WheatHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Corliss SharpsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus2nd Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
James ClemonsBuilding Services & Service Center - Paint2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Johnny ChapmanGrounds Services2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Neal ThorneUtilities Services - Steam Plant2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Bruce RoseHealth Sciences Campus - Plumbing2nd Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Kim WaltersCampus Operations AdministrationCampus Operations Award for Excellence
Johnnie TurnerGrounds ServicesFS Supervisors Award for Excellence
Valeria BradleyHousekeeping Services - AcademicsHousekeeping Supervisors Award for Excellence
Ernest BrannonBuilding Services & Service Center - Carpentry1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Greg WhiteGrounds Services1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Patrick SherrodUtilities Services - Plumbing1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Gerald KeimigHealth Sciences Campus - Steam Plant1st Qtr FS Award for Excellence
Eddie BarnesHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Mitchel LaneHousekeeping Services - Academics1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ruby WhitehurstHousekeeping Services - Residence Halls / SRC1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence
Ronnie ShieldsHousekeeping Services - Health Sciences Campus1st Qtr Housekeepers Award for Excellence