ECU Community Spotlight: Terra Bella Compost

Composting is often seen as a simple act of turning organic waste into nutrient-rich soil, but for Terra Bella Compost, it’s a journey that began as a pilot project and has evolved into a local sustainability business. Founder Caitlin Cummins, who was studying Sustainable Food Systems at Green Mountain College, embarked on a unique mission to turn food waste from East Carolina University (ECU) dining halls into an opportunity for environmental stewardship and sustainability.


Terra Bella Compost took its first steps as a pilot project, spearheaded by Cummins and a dedicated group of interns from ECU. The project was born when Cummins was completing her master’s thesis, a feasibility study on composting food waste from ECU dining halls. As an academic endeavor, the project aimed to address the issue of food waste at its source and transform it into a valuable resource. This initial phase laid the foundation for what would become an entrepreneurial endeavor.


The road to success for Terra Bella Compost was paved with dedication and innovation. The team didn’t stop at the pilot phase; they took their vision to the next level by developing a comprehensive business plan. Thanks to the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (iCorps) grant program, hosted by ECU, they had the resources and support to create a viable business model. Their plan guided them towards a demonstration project: composting food waste from ECU’s dining halls for six months. The ultimate goal was to transition from a project to a private business, and they officially began food waste composting in February 2020.


Like many endeavors, Terra Bella Compost faced unexpected challenges, with the COVID-19 pandemic bringing their progress to a standstill in March 2020. However, resilience and commitment kept the project alive. In November 2021, the team resumed the pilot project, determined to see their mission through. By August 2022, Terra Bella began operating as a private business, focusing on composting for commercial clients.


a bucket with a lid that has a sticker on the side with the company name and logo for Terra Bella compost.


As Terra Bella Compost continued to grow, the dream of extending its services to residential clients became a reality. As of October 2023, Terra Bella Compost offers residential food waste pickup, making sustainability more accessible to the local community. This expansion signifies a remarkable transformation from a pilot project born out of academia to a thriving, eco-conscious business.


Composting is not just a process of breaking down organic waste; it’s a powerful tool for addressing crucial environmental and sustainability challenges. By composting food waste, Terra Bella Compost is diverting tons of waste from landfills, reducing methane emissions, and producing nutrient-rich compost that enriches soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Composting is a significant contribution to the circular economy, where waste is turned into a valuable resource. It conserves resources, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to healthier and more resilient ecosystems.


Terra Bella Compost’s journey from a student-led pilot project to a flourishing sustainability business is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and environmental stewardship. By composting food waste, Cummins and the Terra Bella team have demonstrated that small, local actions can have a significant positive impact on our environment and sustainability. The expansion into residential food waste pickup further solidifies their commitment to making a greener, more sustainable future accessible to all.